Parkin, Vera.

Peer education: the nursing experience/ The Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing. - 3 tables; refs. - vol. 37, no. 6 (November/December 2006): 257-264.

The two-fold purpose of this study was to explore the peer education experiences of registered nurses and solutions for developing peer education as an effective method of adult learning. Eleven designated peer nurse teachers and 13 peer nurse learners were asked to complete a questionnaire. Three peer nurse teachers and three peer nurse learners were further interviewed in focus groups. The metathemes of peer role conflict, organizational stress, and the timing of new role integration were inurses believed that to have a sucsessful peer education program, the scope of the peer education program identified. The study found nurses believed that to have a successful peer education program, the scope of the peer education program and the peer roles should be clarified, peer time should be available and accessible, positive motivational techniques (including a just peer selection process) should be present, and other resources should be provided.


